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English Diet

Secrets of Effective Weight Loss Greetings, dear readers! Today, I want to share with you a unique experience and knowledge about such an exciting and popular topic as the English Diet. In the world of modern health and fitness trends, this diet has captured the hearts of many and become a true phenomenon. What makes it so special? Let's delve…

Asian diet: balance, benefits and principles of nutrition

Greetings, dear readers! Today, I want to share my experience and knowledge in the field of dietetics, specifically discussing the benefits and characteristics of the Asian diet. This dietary approach attracts attention with its unique concept based on traditional principles of Asian cuisine. Let's dive together into the world of taste, balance, and health that the Asian diet offers. Pros…

White diet

Hello, dear readers! If you aspire to a healthy lifestyle and an ideal figure, you've come to the right place. My name is Roman, and I am a dietitian with years of experience. Today, let's delve into the phenomenal "White Diet," which not only helps shed excess weight but also brings a whole range of beneficial changes to the body.…

Volumetric diet: weight loss without hunger

In search of effective and healthy ways to lose weight, many people encounter the concept of the 'Volumetric Diet.' This dietary approach is based on the idea that one can consume a larger volume of food while simultaneously reducing calories, aiding weight loss without feeling hungry. In this article, I'll explore the core principles of the Diet and its potential…

Mediterranean Diet: Benefits and Basic Principles

The Mediterranean diet is one of the most well-known and healthy diets. It is based on the traditional eating habits of the regions around the Mediterranean Sea. Its main principles include moderate consumption of olive oil and wine. The diet comprises vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, and natural products. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and polyunsaturated fats. The Diet is…

Diet for men. We remove excess weight and belly fat!

Rational Nutrition: A Key Factor in Weight Loss and Reducing Belly Fat Many men aim to lose weight and get rid of belly fat, and a diet for men plays a significant role in achieving this. Unlike women, men often can reach weight and fat goals through proper nutrition without the need for exercise. This article provides an example of…

A simple diet at home.

A simple diet at home designed for people with a lack of activity can help you lose up to 10 kilograms in two weeks. While a simple diet may seem attractive, it may also appear unrealistic. We are used to thinking that significant efforts are necessary for weight loss. However, we propose a regimen that allows shedding up to 10…

Flexitarian diet – flexible eating philosophy

In a world of diverse dietary approaches, the flexitarian diet deserves special attention. This approach to nutrition is not just a technique, but an entire lifestyle that combines the best of the worlds of vegetarianism and moderate meat consumption. I'm here to share my experience and knowledge about flexitarianism, which can be not only healthy, but also inspiring. Pros of…