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Symptoms of overeating: when food becomes a problem

Роман Самоилов
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Editor: Natan Grumel
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Definition and classification of overeating

When it comes to understanding what the symptoms of overeating are, the first step is to understand the concept of overeating itself. Overeating is primarily the consumption of food in excess of the body’s physiological needs. This can manifest itself in various forms, and it is important to distinguish between them. We will look at the different types of overeating and give you tips on how to recognize and deal with them.

What is overeating?

Overeating is not just the act of eating large amounts of food. It is often accompanied by a sense of loss of control over the eating process. You may feel like you can’t stop even though you are already full. This can lead to overweight and a host of health problems. Therefore, it is important to know what signs indicate overeating so that you can take timely action.

Types of overeating

Overeating is not always homogeneous. There are different types of this condition. Some of the people may suffer from emotional overeating, when we eat because of stress, sadness or joy. Others may succumb to physiological overeating, when the body demands more food than it really needs. Knowing the differences between these types of overeating can help you better understand your own habits and choose appropriate strategies to control them.

Symptoms of overeating

When it comes to identifying overeating, it is important to be able to recognize its symptoms. These symptoms can manifest physically, psychologically, and in your behavior. Let’s take a look at each of these categories.

Physical symptoms

The first signals of overeating can be physical sensations. You feel that your stomach is full, there is a feeling of heaviness, sometimes even pain in the stomach. This can be accompanied by belching, heartburn and even digestive problems. Pay attention to your physical sensations after eating and be alert if they indicate overeating.

Psychological symptoms

Psychological symptoms of overeating also play an important role. You may feel guilt, shame or even depression after eating large amounts of food. Emotional restlessness and anxiety may be signs that you have a problem with overeating. Monitor your emotions during and after eating.

Behavioral symptoms

Your behavior can also give clues to overeating. It may be a constant desire to eat even when you are not hungry, or secretly eating large quantities of food to avoid being judged by others. You may also notice that you often find yourself searching for food or spending a lot of time planning meals. By noticing these signs, you can begin to take action and take control of your eating.

Causes of overeating

When we understand the symptoms and treatment of overeating, it is also important to understand its causes. Overeating can be caused by a variety of factors, and understanding them will help us manage the problem more effectively.

Biological causes

The biological causes of overeating have to do with the way our bodies function. For example, some people have a higher appetite or a less active metabolism, which can lead to excessive binge eating. Others may experience hormonal changes that affect appetite. Biological causes of overeating require special attention and possibly medical counseling.

Psychological reasons

Psychological factors can also greatly influence our eating. Stress, anxiety, depression and other emotional states can lead to a desire to “calm” ourselves through food. In addition, childhood traumas and negative experiences in the past can leave traces and contribute to overeating. Understanding your emotional factors can help control your eating.

Social causes

Social aspects also play a role in overeating. For example, societal pressure to follow fashionable beauty standards or sociocultural traditions associated with an abundance of food at festivals can encourage overeating. Also, gatherings with friends or family meals are often associated with overeating. Understanding these social factors will allow us to be more conscious about eating in different situations.

Complications of overeating

Understanding the complications that can arise from overeating is a key aspect of taking care of your health. Overeating can have a negative impact on both your physical and psychological well-being.

Physical complications

Some of the most serious physical complications of overeating are obesity problems. Being overweight can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Overeating can also cause digestive problems including heartburn, constipation, and even inflammation of the esophagus. It is important to realize that overeating carries physical risks to your health.

Psychological complications

Psychological complications of overeating can include low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and guilt. Overeating and loss of control over food can have a negative impact on your mental wellbeing. Many people who suffer from overeating also experience social isolation and shame. Understanding these psychological aspects allows you to deal more effectively with overeating and its complications.

Diagnosis of overeating

Identifying the problem and diagnosing it is the first step in overcoming overeating. Let’s look at two important aspects of diagnosis: self-diagnosis and consultation with a doctor.


Self-diagnosis can be a helpful start in understanding your overeating problem. The first step is to closely observe your eating habits and symptoms. Keep a food diary, recording what and when you eat. Pay attention to the emotions that accompany your eating. Self-analysis will help you determine if you are exhibiting signs of overeating. Remember, however, that self-diagnosis is not a substitute for a professional medical evaluation.

Diagnosis by a doctor

If you suspect overeating or if self-diagnosis shows a problem, see your doctor or a licensed dietitian. A professional medical evaluation will help confirm the diagnosis and determine the type of problem. The doctor will also be able to perform a physical exam and review your medical history to rule out other possible causes of overeating symptoms. Once you receive professional help, you can develop a personalized plan to treat and control your overeating.

Treatment for overeating

Treatment for overeating can be effective with the right approach. In this context, it is important to consider three main methods: medication, psychological support and self-help.

Medical treatment

Medication may be considered when overeating is accompanied by serious physiologic abnormalities or when other methods are ineffective. A doctor may decide to prescribe medications to help control appetite or improve metabolic function. However, medications should always be taken under the supervision of a specialist.

Psychological treatment

Psychological support plays an important role in treating overeating. Therapy sessions with a psychologist or psychotherapist can help you deal with the emotional and psychological aspects of overeating. Therapy can help you develop healthy stress management strategies, improve your self-esteem, and learn how to regulate your eating habits.


Self-help is an important component in the treatment of overeating. This includes consciously managing your diet, developing a healthy eating and physical activity plan, and learning relaxation and stress management techniques. It is important to pay attention to your emotions and eating behaviors and to continually work on self-awareness. Self-care can be an effective way to maintain a healthy lifestyle and combat overeating.

Prevention of overeating

Preventing overeating plays a key role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Let’s look at two important aspects of prevention: personal and societal factors.

Personal factors

Preventing overeating starts with understanding your own habits and tendencies. Recognize what emotions can trigger your overeating and learn to cope with them. Develop healthy stress management strategies such as meditation, yoga, or physical activity. Create a healthy eating plan and follow it. Remember to eat regular meals and proper portions.

Societal factors

Social factors can also affect your ability to prevent overeating. Relationships with the people around you can play a role in your relationship with food. It is important to learn to set boundaries and refuse to accept imposed standards. Community support and socializing with like-minded people can help you cope with emotional difficulties without overeating.

Remember, overeating prevention is a long-term process and it starts with recognizing and understanding your own needs and the factors that affect you.

Frequent questions

What physical symptoms can indicate the presence of overeating?

Physical symptoms of overeating can include feeling full, heartburn, or even abdominal pain after eating.

What emotional signs can indicate overeating?

Emotional symptoms may include feelings of guilt, shame, or anxiety after eating large amounts of food.

What behavioral changes may indicate problems with overeating?

Behavioral symptoms may include a persistent desire to eat, furtive eating, or spending long periods of time planning meals.

What signs may indicate physiologic overeating?

Physiologic signs may include eating large portions without feeling hungry and binge eating in response to physical cues that are not related to hunger.

How can I self-diagnose overeating?

Self-diagnosis can include keeping a food diary, analyzing emotional states when eating, and tracking changes in behavior.

When should I see a doctor to diagnose overeating?

If you notice serious physical or psychological symptoms of overeating, or if self-help doesn’t lead to improvement, it’s a good idea to see a doctor or dietitian.

What common signs can indicate the presence of overeating?

Common signs of overeating may include an excessive preoccupation with food, frequent secret binge eating, and feelings of losing control over food

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The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult your doctor for treatment or diagnostic recommendations.

About the author

Роман Самоилов

Roman Samoilov

Nutritionist with a unique combination of skills in nutrition and psychology. His specialty includes not only developing healthy dietary plans, but also providing psychological support to patients in overcoming nutritional problems and eating disorders. Roman pays special attention to the connection between physical and emotional well-being, helping his patients achieve harmony and a healthy lifestyle through understanding the influence of psychological aspects on nutrition.
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