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What is the difference between a vegan diet and a vegetarian diet?

Борис Зальман
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Editor: Natan Grumel
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Hello, dear readers! Today I want to share with you my knowledge and experience in the field of dietetics and nutritional science to help you understand a question that many of you may have asked yourself, “What is the difference between vegetarianism and veganism?”. I’ve been researching different diets for a long time, and today we’re going to look at the main aspects of these two popular approaches to nutrition together.

Definition of vegetarianism

Let’s start by understanding what a vegetarian diet is. Vegetarians eliminate meat from their diet, but may consume animal products such as milk, eggs, and honey. The basic idea behind vegetarianism is to limit the consumption of animal products, but still allow the consumption of plant foods and other products that do not require killing animals.

Definition of veganism

The vegan diet goes even further. Vegans completely eliminate all animal products from their diet. This includes meat, fish, milk, eggs, honey, and other products produced using animals. Veganism is not only a diet, but a lifestyle that strives to respect animal rights and reduce environmental impact.

Main differences between vegetarianism and veganism

Let’s compare the two approaches. A vegetarian diet can be more flexible, allowing you to meet your needs for certain nutrients, such as protein and calcium, from animal products. A vegan diet, on the other hand, requires more careful planning to avoid deficiencies in certain nutrients.

How to choose the right diet

So how do you choose between these two diets? Your choice will depend on your beliefs, goals, and health. If you care about ethics and the environment, and are willing to eliminate animal products completely, then veganism may be your choice. However, if you want a more flexible diet that allows you to eat certain animal products, then veganism may be a good fit.


In conclusion, it is important to be aware of your dietary choices and respect the diversity of diets. Whether you become a vegetarian, vegan, or follow another diet, it is important to do so mindfully and with care for your health and the environment. I hope this article has helped you better understand the difference between vegetarianism and veganism and make a more informed choice for yourself.

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The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult your doctor for treatment or diagnostic recommendations.

About the author

Борис Зальман

Boris Zalman

Associate Professor, outstanding nutritionist and gastroenterologist. His professional activities focus on the study and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as the development of optimal dietary strategies to improve the health of patients. With a deep knowledge of gastroenterology and expertise in nutrition, Boris Zalman helps his patients achieve optimal nutritional status and provide reliable support in managing their gastrointestinal problems.
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