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Dietetic Fish Salad with Pink Salmon, Cauliflower, and Rice

Наталья Листьева
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Editor: Natan Grumel
Натан Грумель
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Диетический рыбный салат

Hello, I want to share with you a recipe called – Dietetic Fish Salad with Pink Salmon, Cauliflower, and Rice. This dish is not just a tasty treat, it’s a symphony of flavors and aromas, combining the tenderness of baked fish, the softness of cauliflower, and a light piquant note from natural yogurt.

Dietetic Fish Salad with Pink Salmon, Cauliflower, and Rice

Servings: 5-6


  • – Baked Pink Salmon: 300 g – Calories: 504 kcal
  • – Boiled Cauliflower: 300 g – Calories: 90 kcal
  • – Natural Yogurt (no additives): 180 g – Calories: 106.2 kcal
  • – Boiled Eggs: 2 pcs – Calories: 155 kcal
  • – Fresh Dill: 1/2 bunch – Calories: 10.75 kcal
  • – Boiled Rice: 100 g – Calories: 130 kcal
  • – Salt: to taste

Nutritional Value (per 100 g):

  • – Protein: 8.3 g
  • – Fat: 2.6 g
  • – Carbohydrates: 6.6 g
  • – Calories: 82.7 kcal

Total Calorie Content of the Dish: ~996 kcal

Calories per Serving (for 5 servings): ~199.2 kcal

Cooking Instructions:

  • 1. Baking the Salmon: Bake the salmon until it has a golden crust, allowing it to reveal its full flavor. Cool and break into small pieces.
  • 2. Preparing the Cauliflower: Boil the cauliflower until soft. After cooling, divide it into florets, maintaining their integrity.
  • 3. Rice: Cook the rice until done, drain the water and let it cool. Remember that the rice should be fluffy.
  • 4. Eggs: Boil to a soft-boiled consistency, cool and cut into small pieces.
  • 5. Dill: Finely chop fresh dill to add flavor.
  • 6. Mixing: Gently mix the salmon, rice, cauliflower, eggs, and dill in a large bowl.
  • 7. Final Touch: Add yogurt and salt to taste, mixing gently.

This salad invigorates the taste buds, offering a rich palette of flavors and textures: from meaty fish to grainy rice. Dill adds a special freshness, making this dish an ideal choice for both a daily lunch and a special occasion. Try it, and you won’t regret it!

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About the author

Наталья Листьева

Natalya Listeva

Dietitian and sports nutrition specialist. Her expertise covers both general nutrition and dietetics specific to athletes and active people. Natalia helps her patients and clients develop individual nutrition plans, taking into account their needs for physical activity and achieving sports goals. Her professional advice and approach to healthy eating help you achieve optimal results in both sports and overall fitness.

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